about us

About us

Highlights about 

Kigali diocese

Kigali diocese is one the 12 dioceses of province of Anglican Church of Rwanda. It has 8 Archdeaconries with 42 parishes, 192 local churches and 944 Home cells (house groups); The total membership is over 45,500. The diocese operates in 3 districts located in the capital city Kigali and four other rural districts. Kigali Diocese owns over 40 schools (primary, secondary and nursery and vocational schools. The management of most these schools is shared with the government while others are privately owned by the Kigali Diocese. We have over 400 teachers and over 26,000 students. The Fathers’ Union, The Mothers’ Union, The Youth Unions and home cells are important discipleship groups found in each congregation.

about the bishop

Meet the bishop

Since August 14th 2019, Kigali Diocese has a new Bishop. Bishop Nathan Rusengo Amooti. According to his inaugural speech, he will serve the Lord in this Diocese focusing on urban evangelism, Discipleship and church planting as well as investing towards Church’s long term sustainability.

We are so honored to introduce to you the new Bishop of Kigali Diocese the Rt. Rev. Nathan Rusengo Amooti. Bishop Nathan is not new to many of us since he served with Kigali as a Diocesan Secretary prior to his faithful ministry as Diocesan Bishop of Cyangugu Diocese.

He is a man of faith, a great speaker and fine story teller, as well as a church planter. Please keep upholding him and his family in your prayers as he soon steps into a new chapter of ministry in Kigali Diocese.

Bishop Nathan started his ministry with us officially in August 18th, 2019

our vision

To be a Church that glorifies God and impacts the community through our fellowship, Evangelism, discipleship, economic empowerment and reconciled relationships

our Mission

To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in Word and deed, for the holistic transformation of lives of Church members and communities

our objectives

  • To be a church that promote worship (Mt: 22:37-38)
  • To be a church that preaches with the aim of increasing the number of its membership Mt28:19-20; Acts2:47, 6:7)
  • To teach and train the members to Christian maturity
  • To encourage and build fellowship among the members
  • A church that promotes social development.
  • To improve the performance and welfare of the staff